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Our Campaign Wins!

Solar Citizens is a people powered movement standing up for the rights of solar owners and campaigning for sensible clean energy policies. The organisation was started on the understanding that if the millions of solar owners and supporters in Australia stand together, we can be powerful. Here's how we're winning...

WON! Save the SRES

The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) was on the chopping block. Following a recommendation from the Australian Competition and Consumer Comission (ACCC) to wind up and then abolish the SRES nine years early, the Federal Government was radio silent on the future of the scheme. Close to 10,000 solar citizens around the country sprung into action: over 9,300 people added their name to our open letter to Energy Minister Angus Taylor, and over 2,000 sent an email to their Federal MP. On the day we were travelling to Canberra to deliver our open letter to the Minister's office, Angus Taylor came out in the media committing to keep the SRES. 

More details here

WON! Victoria Mandated a Minimum Feed-in Tariff

In Victoria our Fair Price for Solar campaign helped secure a legislated minimum feed-in tariff that recognises, for the first time in Australia, the environmental contribution of rooftop solar. Meanwhile, in NSW the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) doubled the recommended tariff benchmark after our supporters lodged 1,400 submissions. While we’re making headway, there is still more work to do to lock in a fair price for all solar owners.

We've collected more than 10,000 signatures for a national Fair Price for Solar – add your name!

WON! Stop the Solar Swindle

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC), they make the rules that govern the electricity market, were proposing to charge solar owners for feeding their electricity back to the grid. That’s right, they wanted to charge solar owners for sharing their clean power. Across the country, Solar Citizens acted and the AEMC dropped the proposal.

We collected nearly 2,500 submissions and made the AEMC back down – for the second time!


The Federal Government wanted to cut $1 billion from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) but Solar Citizens across the country rallied to protect ARENA and demonstrate the strong community desire to stand up for essential grants funding that supports cutting-edge research and helps get commercial projects off the ground. Together, we saved $800 million of ARENA's funding and pulled it back from the brink.

We saved $800 million of ARENA's funding

WON! Protect the Renewable Energy Target

More than 28,000 Australians signed this petition and in August 2014 we delivered it in Canberra to Coalition MPs Sarah Henderson and Warren Entsch.

The Abbott Government wanted the Target axed entirely, but by joining together and running a strong campaign, Solar Citizens across the country saved the Small Scale Renewable Energy Scheme and defended the bulk of the Renewable Energy Target.

We saved the small-scale component of the Renewable Energy Target

WON! SA Power Networks: drop the solar penalty

Almost 3000 Solar Citizens signed the petition and Adelaide volunteers letterboxed thousands of solar homes to stop SA Power Networks introducing a discriminatory penalty on all solar owners in South Australia. Their application to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) was rejected, but SAPN didn't accept this and appealed the regulator's decision in the Federal Court (read more here). However the Court ruled in favour of South Australian solar households. Solar Citizens supported the Total Environment Centre’s intervention in the case. Read more here.

We stopped the discriminatory solar penalty

WON! ALP commits to 50% renewables by 2030

As part of the Stand Up for Solar campaign, Solar Citizens met with ALP MPs from across the country, asking them to take the ‘Stand up for Solar’ pledge, asking for a national goal of at least 50% solar and renewable electricity generation by 2030. At the ALP National Conference, Labor announced a 50% renewable energy goal of 50% by 2030. 

Read more here

WON! Keep Queensland the Sunshine State

Queensland has long been known as Australia's sunshine state, but recent recommendations to the government could see QLD's 300,000 solar homes slugged with new charges of $200 a year that would penalise them for going solar. These measures would undermine the multi-billion dollar investment ordinary Queenslanders have made in solar systems.

We stopped QLD solar penalties

WON! South Australian Solar at Risk

The South Australian government is considering cutting the payment made to solar owners for the energy they provide to the grid. This would force solar to deal directly with big power companies, who have no interest in providing a fair price for solar. Submissions are now open for a review of the feed-in tariff program, and now is our time to have our voices heard on why the South Australian government can’t let the big retailers control solar payments in SA.

We provided over 1,700 submissions to ensure a fair price in SA

WON! Queensland Government commits to 1 million solar rooftops

As part of the 2015 Queensland Election, Solar Citizens asked the major parties where they stood on solar, including asking them to set a target for achieving one million Queensland rooftops. The Palaszczuk Queensland Government promised one million more solar rooftops in Queensland and to have the productivity commission investigate a fair feed-in tariff. Queensland Labor also made further commitments directly to Solar Citizens' policy platform.

We won a commitment to 1 million solar rooftops

WON! Barnett's Massive Solar Betrayal

The WA Government has revealed that it intends to slash the feed-in tariff rate which will impact 75,000 WA households that installed solar from mid 2010-2011. This is an arbitrary and deeply unfair decision, targeting ordinary families - a blatant grab for cash by the WA government. The Barnett Government is betraying solar owners and turning its back on people who are taking the right steps for our energy future.

In just 96 hours, we reversed the Barnett Government's decision

WON! Don't Tax the Sun 

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) recommended increasing penalties and tariffs to solar owners – in effect, taxing the sun. The AEMC was bowing to big power companies and claiming that solar homes are being subsidised by other energy consumers. Solar is not what is driving up electricity costs. Investment in poles, wires and dying technologies are, and solar owners shouldn't be unfairly penalised. 

Over 28,000 Solar Citizens signed the petition to stop the sun tax and the AEMC backed down!