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Stand Up For Solar: A new campaign with a strong solar vision for Australia

Solar Citizens today launched a new national campaign ‘Stand Up For Solar, that will see thousands of Australians demonstrate strong support for ambitious solar policy. “Stand Up For Solar comes at a time when solar and renewable energy is under constant attack from our Federal Government and the big power companies,” Solar Citizens National Director Claire O’Rourke said.

“Stand Up For Solar is a refreshing plan to see a national goal of at least 50% solar and renewable electricity generation by 2030, an end to unfair fees for solar owners and to help all Australians with the rising cost of electricity bills,” Ms O’Rourke said.

“Australians are crying out for more solar not less. The many benefits of solar including lower power bills, clean energy and thousands of solid Australian jobs are well-recognised across the community.

“Before the Federal election there was bipartisan support for the Renewable Energy Target, but now the Government is breaking its word with constant threats to destroy the Target - what’s left is an industry in dire straits.”

“Recent polling by Essential Research shows that an overwhelming 59% of Australians support a 50% RET by 2030. It’s clear that there is more leadership in the community than there is in Canberra.”

“Australians are demanding a long term vision for expanded solar and renewable energy, after all it just makes sense to use the abundant natural resources we have - and we have plenty of sunshine. 

“So far the Abbott Government has failed to deliver. Stand Up For Solar will demonstrate that communities all over Australia want to see our politicians keep their promises and ensure a strong solar and renewable energy future,” said Ms O'Rourke.


Claire O’Rourke is available for comment.

Media Contact: Jane Garcia 0434 489 533


Stand up for Solar key asks

1. A strong solar and renewables goal

Australians want to see more solar and renewables, not less. A national goal of at least 50% of our energy generated by renewables by 2030 will help millions of families go solar, create tens of thousands of jobs and ensure billions in investment for our sunny country.

2. A fair go for solar owners

Going solar should be easy but big power companies simply aren’t playing fair. We want to see an end to discriminatory fees for solar owners, a fair feed in tariff for power fed back into the grid and a specialist solar ombudsman to protect consumers’ rights in every state and territory.

3. Helping households with soaring power bills

The only guaranteed way people can take control of spiralling power costs is by installing solar. We want to see a strong national program to support low-income households and renters switch to solar and help with the rising cost of living.

Read more about the campaign and take the pledge at

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