Media Releases
Labor‘s challenge to the Liberals to propel NSW into a renewable future
"Labor’s target to propel the responsible transition to renewables with storage will reposition NSW as a world-class, forward thinking state," said Joseph Scales, Solar Citizens' National Director.
"With an upgrade to smart, renewable technology, NSW can have it all: cheap, affordable and reliable energy.
"NSW voters are calling out for all sides of politics to prepare for the future, but we're still yet to see more than hot air from the Liberal National parties. Currently, the NSW Government has no renewable target to act as a replacement for the national large-scale RET when it ends in 2020.
“Transitioning NSW to clean energy would unlock more than 20,000 full-time jobs and billions of dollars worth of investment,” said Mr Scales.
“The state’s tired coal clunkers will soon be reaching the end of their lives, so we can’t afford to sit on our hands. All parties need to plan for the responsible and inevitable transition.”
This election, Solar Citizens are calling for policies which will enable more New South Wales residents to power their lives with renewables. The campaign has seen some success with all major parties having announced policies for the expansion of residential solar pv; and Labor adopting a plan to see 9GW of new renewable generation installed across the state over a decade.
Labor’s Plan a Massive Kickstart for Renewables in NSW
Monday 18 February: Solar Citizens today applauds NSW Labor’s announcement to commit to 9GW of new renewable energy generation over the next 10 years. The commitment includes 2GW of rooftop solar, 6GW of reverse auctions and 1 GW of state-owned renewables generation.
“Commitments like this are what’s needed to turn NSW from a laggard to clean energy powerhouse,” said Joseph Scales, Solar Citizens’ National Director.
“Increasing NSW’s large-scale renewable generation by 7GW will mean close to 40% of the state’s current electricity demand could be met by clean, renewable energy.”
Compared to other states and territories, NSW is currently trailing behind the pack when it comes to transitioning to renewable energy. The percentage of renewable energy in NSW is less than half that of Tasmania, the ACT and South Australia – sitting at just over 12%.
“As we get closer to the NSW election the Berejiklian Government has started talking big about renewables, even calling on other states to “lift their game” on energy policy, but over the last eight years we’ve seen more hot air than action,” said Mr Scales.
“It’s time for the NSW Government to walk the walk, so that the state can make the most of its potential for clean energy jobs and investment.
“NSW Labor has taken the first step and shown their hand, now it’s up to the LNP to raise the stakes so that investors can start making the most of NSW’s abundant sun and wind resources.”
Solar Citizens has been calling on all political parties to commit to 4000MW of new large-scale renewable and storage capacity over the next term of government. Labor’s policy announcement today includes an aim to meet this target.
Media contact: Stephanie 0425543006
Government’s solar plan ‘better than nothing’
10 February, 2019: Solar Citizens today said the NSW Government’s commitment to provide interest free loans to help households adopt rooftop solar was better than the policy shortfall we’ve had until now but fell short of consumer expectations and potentially duplicates existing financing options.
Solar Citizens Director Joseph Scales said NSW households preferred grants over loans and Labor’s policy announced yesterday was a better way to support people to take up solar and tackle high energy prices.
“We know people prefer grants over loans because they are a more effective way of helping households – particularly for people on low incomes who struggle with the upfront investment,” said Mr Scales.
“In fact, there are already commercial providers out there who offer low or no-interest loans for solar installation, so we’re not sure this policy adds much value as a policy on its own, without other targeted measures.
“There is a role for no interest loans, but only as part of a wider suite of policy measures to encourage solar uptake.
“But the positive thing is that we’re having a discussion about how to encourage solar uptake, not whether to do so.”
Mr Scales said there is around 15GW of potential rooftop solar capacity on NSW houses.
“We can massively increase energy supply simply by empowering people to generate their own electricity.
Mr Scales said there was also now clear evidence that rooftop solar not only drives down power bills for solar-homes, but also cuts the price of power for everyone else.
“An increasing amount of power is exported to the grid by solar households, which is a cheap source of power that can be provided to others.”
Media contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617
Solar boost to cut household energy bills
9 February, 2019: Solar Citizens today said NSW Labor’s announcement to support 500,000 households to adopt rooftop solar would drive down energy bills for people for whom solar was previously inaccessible.
Solar Citizens Director Joseph Scales said the solar boost was well targeted and would put the power back in the hands of households.
“There are more than 5 million Australians, living in 2 million households with solar panels,” said Mr Scales.
“Rising electricity costs and a desire to take control back from energy retailers is driving significant growth in new solar but some people have been excluded because of inadequate government policy.
“That will change if Labor’s policy becomes a reality and we will be able to tap into the real potential of rooftop solar.
“There is around 15GW of potential rooftop solar capacity on NSW houses – we can massively increase energy supply simply by empowering people to generate their own electricity.”
Mr Scales said there was also now clear evidence that rooftop solar not only drives down power bills for solar-homes, but also cuts the price of power for everyone else.
“An increasing amount of power is exported to the grid by solar households, which is a cheap source of power that can be provided to others.”
Media contact: Tim O’Halloran 0409 059 617
Labor’s Battery Bonanza Win for Solar Households
“More batteries in the system is exactly what the doctor ordered – it’s good for the grid and great for household power bills. This is an exciting announcement by Federal Labor,” said Solar Citizens’ National Director, Joseph Scales.
“The beauty of this scheme is that it’s targeted at low and middle income households, which is the same demographic that have the highest uptake of rooftop solar, and are of course the people who benefit most from solar savings.
“Australians have turned to solar in droves, in fact, almost 2 million households and businesses now have solar on the roof. This plan will mean that more of those households can use their clean, affordable energy around the clock.
“For too long retailers have been ripping off solar households by only paying a pittance for solar energy that’s exported to the grid, but now more households will be able to make the most of their panels."
Labor also announced that they would directly underwrite renewable generation and resurrect the National Energy Guarantee with a higher emissions reduction target of 45%.
“Labor’s commitment to boost renewable generation is all well and good, but it just doesn’t go far enough,” said Mr Scales.
“Australia could be a clean energy superpower that exports our natural renewable resources to help power the rest of the world, but we’re missing our head start.
“It’s also disappointing to see that Labor wants to fund more expensive gas generation to firm the grid when there are better technologies available.”
Media contact: Stephanie Gray 0425543006
Renters to Join the Renewables Revolution in Andrews’ Victoria
Thursday 8 November: The Victorian Government’s game-changing renewable energy announcements are a win for all energy consumers, says community group Solar Citizens.
Today the Victorian Government committed to expanding the Solar Homes Program by $82 million to make it easier for the occupants of 50,000 rental homes to access the cost-cutting benefits of rooftop solar.
This announcement comes just hours after the Andrews Government pledged to increase the Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) to 50% renewable energy by 2030. To see the light of day, both of these announcements are contingent on the Government being re-elected.
“Expanding the Solar Homes Program to include rented households is great news for all energy consumers – it’s game-changing,” said Solar Citizens’ National Director Joseph Scales.
“If implemented, this policy would be an Australian-first and would be instrumental in breaking down the barriers that stop renters from slashing their electricity bills with solar.
“This scheme is a win win: tenants will see hundreds of dollars in electricity savings a year, while landlords will increase the value of their property.
"Despite what the big retailers will have you believe, more solar on rooftops helps drive down the price of electricity for everyone.
“More people pumping out their own clean power into the grid, will help reduce peak demand and ease rising electricity prices.”
Solar Citizens has been campaigning for all levels of government to assist renters, people living in apartments and low-income households access rooftop solar – so that everyone in the community can produce their own cheap and clean electricity.
The Government’s commitment to increasing the VRET is also welcomed by the community group, as it’s expected to result in a total of $9 billion worth of investment and more than 11,000 jobs.
“Victoria is one of the state’s leading the nation in the transition to clean, renewable power, but with just over thirteen percent renewable generation, there’s still a long way to go,” said Mr Scales.
“It’s time for the Victorian opposition to get up to speed, just last week Matthew Guy was talking about building a new, uneconomic and polluting coal-fired generator. That would completely take the state in the wrong direction.”
Media contact: Joseph Scales 0429033210
NSW Energy Announcement a Step in Right Direction
Wednesday, 31 October: The Emerging Energy Program, announced today by the NSW Government, is welcomed as a step in the right direction by community group Solar Citizens.
“It’s great to see the NSW Government release a plan that will help steer the state towards a clean energy future,” said Joseph Scales, Solar Citizens’ National Director.
“NSW’s ageing coal clunkers are reaching the end of their lives, so supporting more low-cost renewables with storage is the right move for lower bills and less pollution.”
The program is designed to help replace the state’s coal plants over the next 15 years and will provide funding for eligible large-scale dispatchable projects.
“While the Federal Government has abandoned any policy attempt to support the transition to renewables with storage, this plan shows that the economics stack up and the transition is here,” said Mr Scales.
“Solar and wind are already cheaper, and this plan is the first step to provide the investor certainty needed to repower NSW with clean energy.
“So far this program seems positive, however as more details emerge, it will be disappointing if this scheme funnels money into expensive gas generation.
“NSW has world-class solar and wind resources – tapping into these could provide more energy than all of the state’s coal and gas reserves combined.”
While Solar Citizens applauds the NSW Government's latest energy announcement, there is still more work to do to lock in a clean, renewable future for NSW and assist transitioning communities.
Energy Minister backs down, heeds calls from solar consumers to save SRES
Wednesday, 24 October: As part of his energy announcements this week, Minister Angus Taylor has finally heeded calls from solar consumers led by Solar Citizens to rule out axing the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).
‘This is a huge win for consumers around the country – saving the SRES will mean more Australians can enjoy the benefits of solar and lower their energy bills,’’ says Solar Citizens’ National Director Joseph Scales.
“The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme makes investing in rooftop solar affordable.
“The cost of rooftop solar would increase by approximately 30% by axing Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme.”
The ACCC gave a misguided recommendation to cut the SRES nine years early or even immediately.
Solar Citizens mobilised thousands of solar consumers to call on the Federal Government to rule this out:
- Nearly 10,000 signed our open letter to the Energy Minister (jointly with Smart Energy Council);
- Hundreds of constituents contacted their MP asking them to join our call to rule out axing the SRES; and,
- Numerous people wrote to their local papers and had letters to the editor published which explained the benefit of the SRES.
“Energy consumers are tired of being taken for a ride by electricity retailers, which is why Australians are installing solar at record rates so that they can take the power back into their own hands,” concludes Mr Scales.
The Abbott Government also backed down from cutting the SRES and the RET in 2015 when Solar Citizens delivered petitions with 28,000 signatures to the Government.
Media contact: Stephanie Gray 0425543006
Energy Companies Attack Rooftop Solar to Protect Profits
Thursday, 11 October: It's galling to see energy gentailers that recorded huge profits last year encourage the Federal Government to make it harder for Australian households to slash their electricity bills with solar, says community group Solar Citizens.
In a speech yesterday, spokespeople from both Origin and EnergyAustralia encouraged the Federal Government to scrap solar subsidies, including the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).
"Everyday people are taking the power back with rooftop solar," said Solar Citizens’ National Director, Joseph Scales.
"While the big energy companies have been making huge profits, Australians have taken matters into their own hands by installing solar to produce their own cheap, clean energy.
"1.9 million households and businesses can't be wrong, solar is the best way for people to reduce their electricity bills."
In the first half of this year, EnergyAustralia made headlines after nearly trebling their earnings, largely due to the higher wholesale electricity prices. In a speech yesterday, Energy Australia’s head of energy Mark Collette claimed that their opposition to the SRES was based on helping low-income families.
“If the Federal Government and the big energy companies were serious about helping low-income households, they would keep schemes like the SRES that help more people go solar,” said Mr Scales.
“Low-income households have been at the mercy of Australia’s big three energy gentailers for too long – scrapping the SRES will only make the upfront cost of solar a bigger hurdle for people that are doing it tough.
“It’s obvious the only reason EnergyAustralia and Origin want to axe support for solar is because it is competition to their soaring profits, putting power back in the hands of the consumer.
“If big energy companies were serious about the energy transition, they would be talking about how we manage the grid not how to slow down solar uptake.
“For too long big energy companies have enjoyed control over consumers – now that everyday people are taking back control, they want to slam on the brakes.
“Slowing down the transition by axing solar schemes will do nothing to reduce energy bills.”
Despite the rhetoric from the big energy players, rooftop solar helps all energy consumers. A report commissioned by Solar Citizens found that in just one year NSW solar owners slashed the state's wholesale price of power by $2.2-3.3 billion, largely by reducing peak demand.
Media contact: Stephanie Gray 0425543006
Clive's Coal Power Plan Dwarfed by Central Qld’s Renewable Energy Boom
The Solar Power Stations already being developed in Central Queensland will create more jobs, more investment and bring down power prices faster than Clive Palmer's latest crazy scheme, according to community group Solar Citizens.
“Clive Palmer’s proposed coal-fired power station in the Galilee Basin is a minnow compared to the clean energy power stations currently planned for the region,” said Solar Citizens' Queensland Coordinator Louise Matthiesson.
“Right now, there are 2 large solar power stations under construction in Central Queensland and another 10 in the planning stages.
“Combined, they involve $3 billion of investment and are expected to deliver 4,400 jobs during construction and 200 ongoing full-time jobs.
“That’s twice as much investment, and 3-4 times as many jobs as Clive’s coal-fired fantasy – and these projects are much more financially viable.
“Many of the companies behind the region’s solar projects are international renewable energy companies with a strong track record like Fotowatio Renewable Ventures and Acciona Energy.
“Mr Palmer has a long track record of making big announcements and failing to deliver, this proposal is likely to meet the same fate as his plans to rebuild the Titanic.
“The solar power stations could also deliver more electricity than Mr Palmer’s project, in fact they will have a combined capacity of 2,200MW, enough to power 1.6 million homes.
For comment contact: Louise Matthiesson 0406 041 428
SOURCE: Green Energy Markets (2018) ‘Renewable Energy Across Queensland’s Regions’ Full report and Central Qld Renewable Industry Profile available to download at:
Large-scale renewable energy projects in Central Queensland
Current at May 2018, includes projects >2MW [1]
Projects under construction
Fuel type |
Project Name |
Company |
Capacity (MW) |
Locality |
Solar |
Emerald Solar Farm |
68 |
Emerald |
Solar |
Lilyvale Solar Farm |
Fotowatio Renewable Ventures |
100 |
Tieri |
Projects in development [2]
Fuel type |
Project Name |
Company |
Capacity (MW) |
Locality |
Solar |
Baralaba Solar Farm |
Fotowatio Renewable Ventures |
100 |
Solar |
Bluff Solar Farm |
Infigen Energy |
100 |
Solar |
Crinum Creek |
Adani Renewables |
100 |
Solar |
Bouldercombe Solar Farm |
Eco Energy World |
280 |
Solar |
Tieri Solar Farm |
Fotowatio Renewable Ventures |
96 |
Solar |
Comet Solar Farm |
Hadstone Energy |
235 |
Solar |
Raglan Solar Farm |
Eco Energy World |
350 |
Solar |
Rodds Bay Solar Farm |
Renew Estate |
300 |
Solar |
Yarwun Solar Farm |
Renew Estate |
27 |
Solar |
Aldoga |
Acciona Energy |
265 |
[1] Appendix B - ‘Renewable Energy Across Queensland’s Regions’ Green Energy Markets, 2018
[2] Projects ‘in-development’ have either: a site identified and landholder consent; submitted a development application to local Council; or have a development approval.