Solar Citizens welcomes this morning’s news that Shadow Climate and Energy Minister Chris Bowen will continue to back Labor’s opposition to the Morrison Government’s attack on clean energy funds.
“The Government is trying to use the Grid Reliability Fund Bill to undermine the independence of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and use it to bankroll their disastrous gas-led recovery,” said Ellen Roberts from Solar Citizens.
“Gas is not a low emissions technology and investment in new gas isn’t necessary for emissions reduction or the transition to clean energy.”
“We support additional funding for the CEFC and investment in grid reliability and security, but not at the cost of turning the CEFC into a fossil fuel slush fund.”
“The CEFC, along with ARENA, have an unbeaten track record in supporting the growth of renewables, and are now the last meaningful federal clean energy policies in Australia. If the Government is serious about investing in clean energy technology, they’ll stop this backwards attempt to cling to gas and slow down the energy transition.”
Media contact: Ellen Roberts 0408 583 694