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Victorian Energy Announcement Leaves Shadow Over Chris Minns


Solar Citizens today celebrates an election commitment from the Victorian Labor Government to increase the State’s Renewable Energy Target to 95% by 2035, and set a new emissions reduction target of 75-80% by 2035. 

“The Victorian Government has significantly raised the bar today and announced clean energy policies that will provide cheaper clean energy for our community, more local jobs, and drive down emissions as we experience increasing severe weather events,” said Solar Citizens National Director Heidi Lee Douglas.

Today’s Victorian announcement follows the recent launch of Queensland’s Energy and Jobs Plan which commits the Sunshine State to a 70% Renewable Energy Target by 2032 and the closure of all state-owned coal stations by 2035. 

“Right now Australians are facing a triple whammy: the impacts of the climate crisis are hurting our communities, while energy prices are spiraling and the cost of living is getting out of control. Policies like what the Victorian and Queensland governments have announced will work to slash emissions and our power bills,” said Ms Douglas. 

“We’re now looking at New South Wales to follow the leadership of Victoria and Queensland to step up their renewable energy and emission reduction policies.

“New South Wales will head to the polls in just over six months but it’s unclear if Labor Opposition Leader Chris Minns has an appetite to follow the leadership of his colleagues and implement increased ambition on clean energy.

“With NSW Labor Opposition leader Chris Minns currently ahead in the polls, we want to see Minns step up and back more ambitious clean energy and emissions reduction targets, like his successful colleagues to the north and south.

“New South Wales residents have lived through fires and floods in recent years, made worse by climate change. Any future NSW Premier will need to be a strong leader on climate.”



The Victorian Government has today announced:

  • No coal and a 95% renewable energy target by 2035
  • An emissions reduction target of 75-80% by 2035
  • A new Publicly owned State Electricity Commission
  • The government has estimated its energy plan will create 60,000 jobs by 2035.

The Queensland Energy Plan announced:

  • 70% renewable energy target by 2032
  • Repowering the state-owned coal-fired power generation by 2035
  • Queensland has committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, with an interim target to reduce emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030

The NSW Perottet Government:

  • A roadmap for 12,000 MW of renewable energy and 2,000MW of storage to come online by 2030
  • Targets of a 50 percent emissions reduction on 2005 levels by 2030 and to achieve net zero emissions by 2050

NSW Labor Chris Minns:

  • Labor has committed to legislate the state’s carbon emissions reduction targets, as well as establish a Net Zero Commission, who would develop the plan to net zero by 2050, monitor and review the plan and trajectory, including impacts on jobs and industry, as well as energy prices. The Commission would update the plan every five years.


Media contact: Solar Citizens National Director Heidi Lee Douglas 0401 092 570

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