Solar Citizens welcomes energy ministers taking step forward for consumer solar energy policy and regulation in Australia - Solar Citizens

Solar Citizens welcomes energy ministers taking step forward for consumer solar energy policy and regulation in Australia

Solar Citizens welcomes the communique from the Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council (ECCMC) meeting on Friday as a significant step forward on consumer solar energy policy and regulation.

Solar Citizens CEO Heidi Lee Douglas said, “This communique recognises and builds on the long-standing push by the community and organisations such as Solar Citizens for more renewables and greater government action to fast-track the transition to cheaper and cleaner energy that can benefit all Australians.

“One of the best and quickest ways Australia can scale up renewable energy and storage is small-scale solar energy production on rooftops, combined with local battery solutions.

“Millions of Australian households and businesses have already invested $25 billion in renewable energy over the past decade and the next decade will be critical to continue reducing the cost of living for households with rooftop solar, batteries and electric vehicles, generate more clean energy and reduce the nation’s emissions.

“Unlocking household and community energy resources and addressing the cost of living is a key focus of the action agreed upon by Federal, state and territory energy ministers.

“We look forward to the development of the National Consumer Energy Resources Roadmap which must deliver on the behind-the-meter storage required to drive further uptake of rooftop solar.

“Though we are yet to see the details, the announcement for Minimum Operating Standards for Government-Funded Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure could unlock significant cost of living benefits of electric vehicles for all Australians. Combined with a mandatory Fuel Efficiency Standard, these measures could enable Australians to save $11.2 billion in fuel costs savings over five years.

“We are relieved to see action on the co-ordination of Consumer Energy Resources in the energy market, especially around technical standards. To lower household power bills, we need smarter technical policy and regulation to coordinate solar and batteries.
The energy market rules were written in the interests of large industrial players, which made sense when electricity was primarily produced by large coal plants. The energy regulators urgently need to rewrite the rules to benefit households and businesses, and not just big industry”. 

“We know rooftop solar delivers bill savings, now we need support so everyone can share equally in its benefits including low-income households and people in apartments, rental properties or living in social housing. 

“Solar Citizens looks forward to seeing these plans being further developed and actioned by governments and reports on progress at the next ECMC meeting in early 2024,” she said.


Media contact: Jane Garcia 0455 111 593

Solar Citizens is an advocacy group focused on the cost of living benefits consumers can harness from renewable energy and clean transport.