The decision announced today to slash the Renewable Energy Target will compromise Australia taking its proper place at the leading edge of the global boom in solar and renewable energy, according to Solar Citizens.
National Director Claire O’Rourke said it was disingenuous for the Liberal government to claim the diminished Target would ‘protect’ electricity consumers when its own Warburton report showed having more solar and renewables in the network would have reduced power costs for all households - whether they have rooftop solar installed or not.
“Bipartisan agreement on a scaled back Target will benefit no one but the big power companies who will receive a $45 billion windfall from holding solar and wind investment back in Australia,” she said.
“By disrupting certainty and undermining the Target for the past 18 months, the Federal government has sold out households, with recent polling finding 75% of Australians support an increase in the Renewable Energy Target, not a decrease.
“More than 1.3 million households have already installed rooftop solar power - the technology is proven and ready to go.
“Australia has among the cheapest solar power in the world, has been chosen as a prime test site for battery storage and is second to none in technology and innovation.
“Winding back the Renewable Energy Target will take Australian renewable energy generation backwards.
“Today’s announcement is out of step with community expectations and we will see a groundswell of people all around Australia stand up for more ambition for clean energy in coming months.
“Already hundreds of solar homeowners and other community members who support solar and renewables have gathered at events in Melbourne and across Queensland to pledge support for a national goal of at least 50% solar and renewable energy by 2030.
“The community is invested and excited by the renewable energy revolution, it’s time our leaders stopped playing politics and protecting the vested interests of the big power companies,” she said.
Claire O'Rourke is available for interview
Media contact: Amy Gordon 0410 631 404