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Queensland’s solar boom leads the country – cutting bills and creating jobs

For the first time, Queensland has overtaken NSW in creating jobs in the renewable energy industry.

The monthly Renewable Energy Index calculates there are almost 6,500 Queenslanders working in the renewable energy sector.

“This is a win-win-win situation for Queensland – the solar boom is creating jobs, cutting power bills and reducing climate pollution” said Solar Citizens Queensland Campaign Manager Louise Matthiesson.

“Right now there are 20 large-scale renewable energy projects under construction in the Sunshine State.

“Those projects are spread throughout regional Queensland, from Normanton to Dalby and they are creating enough jobs to employ 5,203 people full time for a year.

“The Sunshine State is becoming the Sun-powered State. We simply don’t need another expensive, dirty, coal fired power station.

“Families and businesses are also joining the solar boom, with 4000 rooftop solar systems installed in Queensland during August.

The report calculates that these new rooftop solar systems will deliver $47 million in power bill savings for Queenslanders over the next 10 years.

“That’s an average saving of over $1000 a year for every family and business that went solar during August.

The rooftop solar revolution continues to support jobs and small businesses across Queensland, with 1,287 jobs created installing rooftop solar systems last month.

“We know that many people on modest incomes invest in solar because it pays for itself over just a few years, but Government must do more to help renters and disadvantaged households share in the benefits of the solar boom” she said.

Media contact: 
Louise Matthiesson, Solar Citizens Queensland Campaign Manager ph. 0406 041 428

Further information:
The monthly Renewable Energy Index is produced by respected industry analysts Green Energy Markets and funded by GetUp! The full report can be downloaded here.

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