1 November: There’s no need to waste Queenslanders’ money on dirty coal-fired power stations says community group Solar Citizens.
“The Sunshine State is in the middle of a big solar boom, with 20 renewable projects planned or under way -- there’s simply no need for a new coal-fired power station,” said Louise Matthiesson, Queensland Campaigner at Solar Citizens.
“Tim Nicholls and the LNP need to come clean on their dirty plans and why they’re suggesting taking 7 years and spending billions of dollars on old, polluting technology that’s far more expensive as getting power from the wind and the sun.
Experts say electricity from a new coal fired power station would cost $135 per megawatt hour (MWh) while new solar plants can generate electricity for around $80 MWh [1].
“There’s a clear choice -- clean, cheap power from the wind and the sun or sticking Queenslanders with the bill for dirty, expensive electricity for decades to come.
“500,000 Queenslanders have already voted with their rooftops by installing solar and know that it’s the only guaranteed way to take back control of your power bill while generating clean energy.
“We’re calling on the next state government to make Queensland the Sun-Powered State,” says Ms Matthiesson.
For comment contact: Louise Matthiesson, Solar Citizens Queensland Campaigner. Ph. 0406 041 428
[1] Sources: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Report Feb 2017 ; ABC News Feb 2017 Electricity prices could double with new coal-fired stations, energy experts say ; Aust Financial Review July 2017 ‘ Don't buy the Minerals Council costings of coal power’