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Newman decision puts QLD solar families at mercy of energy retailers, Solar Owners Say

Media Release

06 March 2014

Solar Citizens, a community voice for current and future solar owners, condemns the Newman Government’s decision to kill the 8 cent feed-in tariff, which will hurt the 40,000 families and jeapordise the growth of Queensland solar.

Lindsay Soutar, National Director of Solar Citizens, says:

“There are 40,000 homes that are about to lose the already too small financial return they receive from providing clean energy back into the grid.”

“And there are thousands of families in Queensland who want to make the move to solar who will now be forced to negotiate directly with retailers for any sort of financial return.”

“This is incredibly unfair. It is obvious that it will be difficult for individual households to get a good deal from their power company. They simply don’t have the negotiating power. When retailers set the rules, solar owners lose.”

“Families have made the move to solar to take back control of their power bills. But now that the Newman Government is capitulating to big energy companies, it’s going to be that much harder.”

“1 in 5 homes in Queensland now runs on the sun - and that number is growing.”

“This investment pays off for the whole community, reducing the wholesale price of electricity, providing clean energy and helping families take power over their bills.”

“Queensland is at risk of losing its reputation as the Sunshine State. Newman is bowing to big energy companies and ignoring the voices of the Queensland people.”

“Not only is this short sighted for Queensland’s energy future, it’s short-sighted for Newman’s political future, as well.”

“The Premier should keep in mind that next year’s election will include the nearly 900,000 solar owners in the State who will be thinking about Newman’s solar policies when they go to the polling booth.”

“Solar Citizens ask that Newman ensure Queensland’s solar future by reversing this decision immediately.”

Solar Citizens has launched an online petition and is encourage all current and future solar owners sign the petition and take a stand for solar in Queensland today.

The petition is available at:

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