Labor’s Battery Bonanza Win for Solar Households - Solar Citizens

Labor’s Battery Bonanza Win for Solar Households

Thursday, 22 November: Solar Citizens applauds Federal Labor’s plan to offer battery rebates for 100,000 low and middle income Australian households. Labor’s plan also includes investing $100 million in low-cost loans for batteries to help renters, low-income households and social housing residents slash their electricity bills.

“More batteries in the system is exactly what the doctor ordered – it’s good for the grid and great for household power bills. This is an exciting announcement by Federal Labor,” said Solar Citizens’ National Director, Joseph Scales.

“The beauty of this scheme is that it’s targeted at low and middle income households, which is the same demographic that have the highest uptake of rooftop solar, and are of course the people who benefit most from solar savings.

“Australians have turned to solar in droves, in fact, almost 2 million households and businesses now have solar on the roof. This plan will mean that more of those households can use their clean, affordable energy around the clock.

“For too long retailers have been ripping off solar households by only paying a pittance for solar energy that’s exported to the grid, but now more households will be able to make the most of their panels."

Labor also announced that they would directly underwrite renewable generation and resurrect the National Energy Guarantee with a higher emissions reduction target of 45%.

“Labor’s commitment to boost renewable generation is all well and good, but it just doesn’t go far enough,” said Mr Scales.

“Australia could be a clean energy superpower that exports our natural renewable resources to help power the rest of the world, but we’re missing our head start.

“It’s also disappointing to see that Labor wants to fund more expensive gas generation to firm the grid when there are better technologies available.”

Media contact: Stephanie Gray 0425543006