Tuesday 3 July: Solar owners have intensified their call for the NSW Government to take action on feed-in tariffs after confirmation today that the benchmark feed-in tariff rate has been slashed says Solar Citizens.
The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) released a new benchmark of 6.9-8.4c/kWh, down from 11.9-15c/kWh. IPART has cited increased solar exports lowering the wholesale price of power as one of the main factors for the benchmark change.
“The decision to cut the feed-in tariff punishes solar owners, it’s like getting a pay cut for working overtime and the Government shouldn’t allow it,” said Shani Tager, Senior Campaigner at Solar Citizens.
“Letting big energy retailers off the hook and allowing them to make a profit from the hard work of solar owners is daylight robbery that won’t end until the Government steps in.
“The buck stops with the NSW Government, they should use their power to intervene and set a fair price for solar that takes into account the wholesale price of power as well as the social and environmental benefits of rooftop solar.
“Solar owners have been doing the heavy lifting, keeping the lights on in NSW during heatwaves and cutting power prices for everybody, it’s time that the many benefits of rooftop solar are recognised.
“Slashing the feed-in tariff sends absolutely the wrong message to households in NSW who would like to go solar,” said Ms Tager.
Analysis commissioned by Solar Citizens showed that solar households in NSW cut at least $2.2 billion off the the wholesale price of power for everybody in the state in just one year.
Solar Feed-in Tariffs are paid to solar owners for the excess electricity that they generate and feed into the grid. In NSW IPART sets an annual benchmark to guide electricity retailers in setting their feed-in tariff.
Media contact: Stephanie Gray 0425543006