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Greens renewables policy a welcome light amidst Government policy darkness

Yesterday’s announcement by the Australian Greens setting out clear and achievable targets for 90% renewables by 2030 is a refreshing and appropriate demonstration of community and political leadership at the Federal level.

“The Australian Greens seven-point plan provides a clear, achievable platform for transitioning the Australian economy to clean renewable energy generation, for supporting consumers, the environment and the broader economy,” said Claire O’Rourke, National Director, Solar Citizens.

“This is what leadership and policy certainty looks like and the Greens have set the gold standard so far in the lead up to the Federal election.

“Our Homegrown Power Plan - released last week - sets out a plan to set Australia on a pathway to 100 percent renewable electricity by 2030. It's exciting to see detailed policies so shortly after this launch, from both the Greens and the ALP who have mapped out a plan to start this process,” said Ms O’Rourke.

“Now it seems everyone has a plan but the Coalition.

“Where is the Government in embracing the renewable boom that that will support their ‘innovation agenda’?” she said.

“Millions of Australians are ready and waiting, and they represent millions of votes.

“We welcome the Australian Greens plan to support workers in transitioning to clean energy jobs and embracing the opportunities solar and renewable energy offer,” said Ms O’Rourke.

“Australia is the sunniest continent on the planet and failure to rapidly embrace a transition to clean, renewable power in this country is not only poor policy, it is a threat to the future sustainability of our national economy,” Ms O’Rourke said.

Media Contact: Andrew Bradley P: 0403 777 137 E: [email protected]

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