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Critical decisions on solar policy should be made in best interests of entire community, not vested interests of big power companies

Comments by AGL Chief executive Michael Fraser that the Renewable Energy Target should be scrapped show how out of step the big power companies are with the majority of community members who want more solar energy.

Solar Citizens Acting National Director, Taegen Edwards, said the principal motivation of the big companies was to maximise profits for shareholders, not help reduce power bills.

In stark contrast, solar rooftop power and hot water heating helped households take control of their power bills and save money.

“More than a million Australian households with solar on their rooftop are now experiencing first-hand the cost savings of going solar delivered by the Target,” Ms Edwards said.

“If the Government kills the Target it will deliver a $70B revenue windfall to the big power companies over the next 15 years but households will continue to pay more on their power bills.

“The Federal Government-commissioned modelling for the Warburton review found that consumers would be an average $56 better off from 2021 if the Target is kept in place.

“Instead of siding with big power companies the Government should stand up to the vested interests pushing for an end to renewable energy in Australia and keep the Target strong.

“Rooftop solar cuts household electricity bills by up to 65 per cent. Australians want more solar, not less,” she said.

Taegen Edwards is available for immediate interview.

Media contact: Jane Garcia 0434 489 533

Source of AGL Chief Executive’s comments, Radio National interview:

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