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Australians urge Government to reject changes to RET

Media Release

28 August 2014

The Warburton Renewable Energy Target Review’s recommendations to effectively axe the Target has been called farcical today by solar advocacy group Solar Citizens, who say it is well out of step with the vast majority of community members who want more solar energy.

Only yesterday, Coalition MPs Sarah Henderson and Warren Entsch accepted a Solar Citizens’ petition signed by more than 25,000 people from across the nation asking the Federal Government to keep or expand the Target.

“A Review Panel made up of individuals with strong links to the big energy companies was never going to deliver a reasonable report” Campaigns Director Claire O’Rourke said today.

“Tony Abbott hand picked an anti-solar panel and today they have delivered the anti-solar review he asked for.

"Solar Citizens supports industry calls for an inquiry into the handling of the review that has been flawed and compromised from the start.

“The Australian community has already made up its mind about wanting more solar, with 1.3 millions with solar on their rooftop. That equals at least 2 million voters who are now experiencing first-hand the cost savings of going solar delivered by the RET.

“Government-commissioned modelling for the review found that consumers would be an average $56 better off from 2021 if the Target is kept in place.

“The Abbott Government promised before the election to maintain the Target.

“Instead of siding with big power companies the Government should stand up to the vested interests pushing for an end to renewable energy in Australia and reject the report in full.

“The Climate Change Authority conducted an extensive and thorough review into the operation of the Target in 2012. The investigation by Bernie Fraser and his team gave the Target a ringing endorsement – what has changed in a year?

"While the Target has helped millions of Aussies take control of their energy bills by installing solar, there are still millions more who want to do the same.

"The current Target should see at least 2 million more households go solar by 2020 but if these recommendations are adopted that number will be slashed in half.

“A move to change or axe the Target would indicate the Coalition Government has no real commitment to lowering the cost of living and no desire to support the only source of power whose costs are coming down,” Ms O’Rourke said.

Claire O’Rourke is available for immediate interview.

Media contact: Jane Garcia 0434 489 533

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