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Ark Energy Announces Massive NQ Clean Energy Hub

21 September 2022: Ark Energy Announces Massive NQ Clean Energy Hub

Solar Citizens today responds to news that Ark Energy will develop a 3,000MW renewable energy hub near Collinsville by 2030.

“There’s currently about 3,000 MW of large-scale solar and wind projects operating in Queensland, so today’s announcement by Ark Energy represents a doubling of the State’s large-scale clean energy capacity,” said Stephanie Gray, Deputy Director of Solar Citizens. 

“The biggest renewable energy project operating in the State right now is the 450 MW Coopers Gap Wind Farm and construction is starting on the 1,000 MW Macintyre wind precinct.

“This is an exciting step towards Ark Energy achieving their goal of becoming a major global renewable hydrogen exporter right here from North Queensland.

“To realise their goals of having a 3,500 MW hydrogen production facility in Townsville by 2040, Ark Energy will need access to at least 7,700 MW of clean energy generation. 

“Research shows that Northern Queensland is the cheapest place in the country to produce renewable hydrogen because the region has such good co-located solar and wind resources. It’s a no-brainer to turbocharge clean energy investment here. 

“Ark Energy is just one of several businesses that are looking to set up or expand clean industry in North Queensland. We’d like to see the Australian and Queensland governments work together to support these businesses by establishing Townsville as Australia’s first Renewable Energy Industrial Precinct – a hub for renewable-powered manufacturing and industry.

“We need a planned vision for turning the whole region into a clean energy manufacturing powerhouse so we’re getting it right and investing in the infrastructure and workforce training the region needs.”

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