Solar Citizens have welcomed the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) legislating a target of 100% renewable energy for the Territory by 2020, following debate in the Legislative Assembly this afternoon.
“The ACT clearly demonstrates that the shift to 100% renewable energy for electricity at the local, regional, and indeed national level is not only feasible, it is a reality,” said Claire O’Rourke, National Director, Solar Citizens.
“The ACT is leading the nation on this vital economic, environmental and social reform.
“The many tens of thousands of solar citizens in the ACT, all of them citizens that vote, will be rejoicing at this momentous piece of legislation in the Territory.
“We congratulate the Government for taking this bold and correct step for the future of the people of the ACT,” she said.
“The renewables sector needs certainty, so we expect the Opposition in the ACT to place its full support behind this policy and ensure that this legislation will not face isn't subject to endless political argy bargy in the months and years to come,” said Ms O’Rourke.
“It’s quite simply, the right thing to do for the people of the ACT.
“The ACT Government is leading the orderly move to the future here in Australia, now it’s time for the ACT Opposition to take the sensible, popular position and offer real, meaningful bipartisanship on this issue that is so critical to Canberra’s clean energy future,” Ms O’Rourke said.
Media Contact: Andrew Bradley P: 0403 777 137 E: [email protected]