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What standards and guidelines must be followed for solar installations?


Every installation carried out by an accredited installer is required to meet the following Australian Standards:

  • AS 4509 Stand-alone power systems
  • AS 4086 Secondary batteries for SPS
  • AS/NZS 3000 Electrical wiring rules
  • AS 1768 Lightning protection
  • AS/NZS 1170.2 Wind loads
  • AS/NZS 5033 Installation of photovoltaic (PV) arrays

Clean Energy Council Guidelines must also be followed.  Installers are required to install the system in accordance with the Clean Energy Council’s Installation Guidelines for Accredited Installers and Supervisors.  These guidelines are updated regularly to reflect current industry best practice.

And, approved products must be used.  All accredited solar installers must use products that meet Australian Standards.
The Clean Energy Council has compiled a list of approved products - including solar PV modules (panels) and grid-connect inverters - that meet these standards. In order to qualify for government incentives for the solar PV system, installers must use equipment approved and listed by the Clean Energy Council. Find out more here.