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Save Queensland's Clean Energy Jobs

Queensland’s thriving renewable energy industry means thousands of jobs, regional investment, and cheaper electricity for all. But the toxic national energy debate is stalling future investment and putting new projects at risk. Unless we act fast, over 3,000 workers will soon be left without a job – mostly in regional Queensland. 

Now that the national Renewable Energy Target is coming to an end, we need the Queensland Government to step up to save our renewable energy industry from falling off a cliff. 

The Queensland Government needs to act fast to save clean energy jobs by:

  1. Committing to build 1GW of new publicly-owned renewable energy generation under CleanCo before the 2020 state election. 
  2. Ensuring 2GW of new renewable energy generation is committed to each year for the next five years.

Will you sign?

The Queensland Government needs to act fast to save clean energy jobs by:

  1. Committing to build 1GW of new publicly-owned renewable energy generation under CleanCo before the 2020 state election. 
  2. Ensuring 2GW of new renewable energy generation is committed to each year for the next five years.
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