*** UPDATE: Australia's leading clean energy innovation body, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), was on the brink of running out of funding in 2020 after hundreds of millions of dollars of past budget cuts. But nearly 10,000 solar citizens signed our open letter, called their MP, emailed the Federal Energy Minister, and spoke up on social media in support of ARENA. Now we have won half the fight, with the Federal Government pledging $1.4 billion for ARENA in the 2020 Federal Budget. ***
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) is set to run out of funding within a year, threatening the future of clean energy in Australia. There is also a risk that the Government won't fund ARENA unless they can change the rules to allow ARENA to invest in fossil fuels.
We’ve written an open letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison calling on the Government to develop a long-term funding plan and keep ARENA investing in world-class renewable innovation.
Click here to read the open letter in full.
Fill in the form below to add your name to the open letter.