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Protect the Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme

Solar is under attack – will you chip in to spread the word and power the community fight back?

Now that the big energy corporations and the networks have solar in their sights, the threat is even greater. Before we meet with Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor's office on October 24, help us get 10,000+ names on our open letter so we can raise the stakes to have a bigger impact. 

Your donation will be put straight to good use and a little goes a long way on social media. Every single dollar helps us reach up to 30 new people who care about renewables and gets more names asking Minister Taylor to support solar and lower power bills by pledging to save the SRES.

Here’s how your gift could help:

  • $30 reaches 900 people
  • $70 reaches 2,100 people
  • $140 reaches 4,200 people

Donate for a clean energy future

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Contributions are tax deductible.

If you'd prefer to make a donation using PayPal click here.

If you'd prefer to make a donation via bank transfer or via the post, you can find our bank details here and a printable donation form here. 

100% Renewable Community Campaign trading as Solar Citizens is a registered charity in Australia
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