***UPDATE: After nearly 10,000 solar supporter took action to stand up for the SRES, the Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor committed to keeping the scheme. The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) helps more households take back control of their energy bills by making rooftop solar more affordable. Over 9,300 people signed our open letter to the Minister, and more than 2,000 sent an email to their Federal MP about saving the SRES. This is another people-powered victory!***
The Federal Government is looking to sneak through changes to the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) so that it's wound back and then abolished nine years early in 2021.
The solar scheme has helped millions of Australians put solar on their rooftops to take back control of their power bills and do their bit to slash pollution. We can't let the Federal Government rush through this legislation.
We have less than two weeks to show that we're paying attention and we support the SRES. Fill out the form below to email your Federal MP and Senators.