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Repower Northern Rivers Planning Day

Join us as we hatch plans to transition the Northern Rivers to 100% Renewable Energy! We know renewable energy provides numerous benefits to regional communities, as well as stopping dangerous climate change. But without the political will to get us there, it's going to take a people powered movement to make the change happen. 

The Repower planning day is an opportunity to come together and share ideas for how we can transition NSW to 100% renewable energy right here in the Northern Rivers. Join Solar Citizens and the Nature Conservation Council as we plan out how the campaign will look over the next 12 months and what we can do together to call for a better deal for solar owners and hasten the transition to 100% renewable energy. Please bring along any others who are interested in being part of this important planning session. 


November 25, 2017 at 10:00am - 3pm
Lismore Workers Sports Club
Room 2 202 Oliver Ave
Goonellabah, NSW 2480
Google map and directions
Kristy Walters ·

Will you come?