Join Solar Citizens at the Prospect Spring Fair and help us talk to people about how we can repower South Australia with renewables!
Collingrove Avenue
Broadview, South Australia 5083
Google map and directions
What's Happening
Richard signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Anahata signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Rob signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Paul signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Sue signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Joe signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Geraldine signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Michael signed the petition: "We need cheap renewables for all to solve the energy crisis"
Bill signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Mirinda signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Monica signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Martin signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Jemma signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Debbie signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Ian signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
George signed the petition: "‘Batteries on Wheels’: unlocking Vehicle-to-Grid for Australia"
Brianna signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"