What are you doing with all the postcards?
The postcard is part of our electronic petition, available here: http://www.solarcitizens.org.au/protecttheret
We will be taking your hard work in collecting postcards and adding those names to the online petition. We’ll then take Australia’s biggest energy petition to Canberra in July to present to Federal politicians to show the overwhelming support for renewables and solar across Australia.
Why does it not have a place for signatures?
The postcard is part of our electronic petition, available here: http://www.solarcitizens.org.au/protecttheret
We will be adding the postcard total to the online total to present a complete petition to Federal politicians in July. As such, signatures are not needed. Instead, a name, email and address qualifies as signing the petition, much like signing a petition online.
I signed the Keep Solar Strong petition online - should I also fill in a postcard?
No, the postcards and the online petition are the same. If you sign both, our petition program will recognise your name and not add your name twice. So, save yourself some time and sign it once - and, instead, get your friends and neighbours to fill out a postcard or the online petition, as well!
What do I do with this stack of postcards?
It’s so awesome to get a stack of signed postcards all ready to go! But, there’s still a few things you need to do.
Please enter in the data from the postcards into Excel. You can do so by filling out this Excel spreadsheet and send it back to us at [email protected].
Then, take your stack of postcards and put them in the mail to us at:
Solar Citizens, Level 1, 33 Mountain Street, Ultimo, NSW 2007
But, let us know in your email that you’re sending them in the mail, as well, so we know where they’re from and that they’re already transcribed!
What if my postcard gets sent back to me?
This shouldn’t happen, but a few people have gotten their postcards sent back to them! The easiest way to avoid this is to send all of your postcards back to us in a stack.
If that’s not possible, and you send it individually, and it’s returned to you, just write the word TO above the Prime Minister/Solar Citizens address in the address section. That should take care of it!
Where is the Excel spreadsheet?
The Excel spreadsheet is available here: http://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/solarcitizens/pages/196/attachments/original/1398236466/ProtectTheRETReturnForm.xls?1398236466
If you have trouble downloading it, send us an email at [email protected], and we’ll send you one via email.
My postcard kit has not arrived yet. What should I do?
If you ordered a postcard kit and it hasn’t arrived, send us an email at [email protected], and we’ll look up your order to let you know the status. We tend to send out the postcards on a weekly basis, so there may be a few days delay before they get to you.
What do you do with the details on the postcard?
People who sign a postcard will be added to the petition and updated via email on status of the campaign and Solar Citizen’s activities around solar and the Renewable Energy Target.
Does Solar Citizens pass the signature details on to anyone else?
Absolutely not. All information in the Solar Citizens database is completely confidential. You can read more about our privacy policy here: http://www.solarcitizens.org.au/privacy_policy