Media - Solar Citizens

Media Releases

Labor ambition set with 50% renewables by 2030


Solar Citizens applauds Labor’s announcement this morning that the party plans to introduce a 50% renewable energy goal of 50% by 2030 as a cornerstone of the party’s Platform to be endorsed at this week’s ALP National Conference.

Solar Citizens National Director, Claire O’Rourke, said Labor’s commitment to a strong renewables goal will be welcomed by the overwhelming majority of Australians who want to see more solar and renewables, not less.

“Labor leader Bill Shorten today begins a new chapter for renewable energy in Australia - this new, ambitious and achievable goal and will address the relentless and wilful damage that the Abbott Government has inflicted on the solar and renewable energy industry since it was elected in 2013,” said Ms O’Rourke.

“This announcement demonstrates that the ALP has a strong commitment to the creation of thousands of jobs and to help families reap the rewards of solar to take control of rising power bills.”

“In setting this new ambitious standard for renewable energy, the ALP has backed a vote winner with recent Essential Polling showing that 55% of people saying they would be more likely to vote for a party that increased Government support for renewable energy.”

“In recent weeks Solar Citizens members have met with ALP MPs from across the country, asking them to take the ‘Stand up for Solar’ pledge. This support is now recognised by the leadership of the party, which is an important development that sets a positive tone to the national debate.

“The way we use energy is changing, with families and businesses reaping the benefits of lower power bills and energy independence. We welcome Labor’s recognition in its National Platform that Australians want to see a strong renewable energy sector that can attract investment and create thousands of new jobs.”

“Australians want political leadership that will deliver cleaner, cheaper energy from solar - the last thing they want to see is ongoing attacks such as those we have seen from the Federal Government.”

“For far too long there has been a disconnect between what Australians want and what our political leaders have delivered. Labor’s announcement takes Australia one step closer to becoming a solar powerhouse.”  

“We urge the Abbott Government to follow Labor’s shining example and agree to a 50% renewable energy goal by 2030, to show Australians that they will deliver sensible policies that are in the national interest.” said Ms O’Rourke.  

Media Contact Amy Gordon 0410 631 404

NSW Farmers Federation joins growing call for greater support for solar and clean energy

Solar Citizens has today welcomed NSW Farmers Federation support for renewable energy after a motion was passed at their state conference that will see them encourage governments to invest in solar.

The Farmers passed the following motion:

Members were in support of the association taking steps to encourage governments to support the transition from fossil fuels like coal and gas towards more renewable energy sources in rural, regional and remote areas where their operation can be shown to be of a net benefit to farming communities.

Solar Citizens National Director Claire O’Rourke said the NSW Farmers support for greater investment in solar added to the growing list of people from all walks of life, businesses such as IKEA and leaders such as Pope Francis who recognised the need for more renewable energy.

“Farmers are one of the first groups in society most impacted by rising costs of electricity - it’s great to see the NSW Farmers Federation recognise that and endorse a transition towards greater renewables and solar,” she said.

“Renewable energy has the potential to power our farms, the lifeblood of Australia and help all of our farmers with the rising cost of living.

“Support for solar has swept across Australia, on a local, national and global level.

“As individual households through to top companies and nations, we are all seeing the overwhelming benefits of renewable energy including lowering the cost of power bill.

“Australia has some of the best available solar resources in the world, so we’re in a prime position for generating our own solar and lading this solar revolution.

“One of the best ways Australia can go solar is for our leaders to commit to a national goal of at least 50% renewable energy including solar by 2030 and programs that help low-income households install rooftop solar to help with rising power bills and do their bit for the environment.

“Instead of this future-embracing policy thinking, it becomes clearer every day that our Federal Government is out of step with what the Australian community wants and unwilling to end its ideological attack on renewables.

“Australia’s energy future is beyond party politics. It’s time our leaders listened to the community and truly stood up for growing solar jobs and investment,” Ms O’Rourke said.

Claire O’Rourke is available for comment

Media Contact: Amy Gordon 0410 631 404


Slashing solar investment strangles clean energy

Solar Citizens has called on the Federal Government to clarify media reports that it has directed the Clean Energy Finance Corporation to stop funding small-scale solar power.

National Director Claire O’Rourke said the Government’s attack on popular rooftop solar would deny thousands of Australians the opportunity to reduce their power bills by installing cheap, solar energy.

“Slashing investment in rooftop solar would drag Australia back into the dark ages -- jeopardising thousands of jobs and stopping ordinary households from taking control of their electricity costs,” Ms O’Rourke said.

“Solar energy is the most popular source of electricity in Australia, according to an Ipsos survey conducted in March.

“The Abbott Government is out of touch with the overwhelming 87 per cent of Australians who are in favour of rooftop solar. The Government insists on turning its back on people who are making the sensible, practical move to be part of our nation’s energy future.

“About 60 per cent of solar owners have cut their bills by more than half, according to a recent survey of more than 5,000 Solar Citizens across the nation.

“The shameful cuts to the Renewable Energy Target and this new attack on renewable energy investment is evidence of the Government acting in the vested interests of the big power companies, not the best interests of households.

“We are demanding our political leaders stop attempting to holding back an ambitious future for clean energy in Australia.

“Solar and renewables should not be a partisan issue - it is a sensible investment for households and for Australia as a whole. There’s no doubt Australians want more solar panels installed on suitable rooftops across the nation and the cost savings they bring.

“We urge the Government to get back in touch with the community on this issue and I believe Australians everywhere would welcome nothing less than full support for the jobs, growth, investment and affordable power bills that solar power brings,,” she said.

Media contact: Jane Garcia  0434 489 533

Australia should follow Obama lead and make it easier for low-income households to go solar

Solar Citizens has welcomed the Obama Government’s announcement of a new program that will support the spread of solar power and solar industry jobs to a wider range of Americans, including renters and low-income communities.

Director Campaigns and Organising, Dan Scaysbrook, has called on the Abbott Government to follow the US lead and introduce a national program to help low-income households and renters with soaring power bills to go solar.

“The US Government’s new program will make it easier for low- and middle-income households to install rooftop solar and it will stimulate the growth of jobs in the solar industry,” Mr Scaysbrook said.

“Will the Abbott Government move beyond playing politics with renewable energy and make it easier for low-income Australians to generate their own energy from solar power and save money on their power bills?

“Or will we continue to see this Government go against the overwhelming community support for more solar power on homes across Australia?

“At a time when countries like the USA, China and India are investing in making solar energy more accessible for everyday people, our Government is blocking the expansion of solar.

“It has slashed the Renewable Energy Target and continues to side with the vested interests of the big power companies.

“A recent survey of more than 5000 solar homeowners conducted by Solar Citizens found 60% of [Australian] solar owners have reduced their power bills by more than half and 76% of solar homeowners would upgrade if they could afford it.

“What we urgently need now is a national program to help low-income households, renters and all Australians with soaring power bills to go solar.

“Our leaders should set a national goal of at least 50% of renewable energy by 2030 – then go for it!

“There’s a solar boom going on and we want clever policy that allows us to enjoy the investment, jobs and cheap power it can bring,” he said.

Media contact: Jane Garcia 0434 489 533

More than 214,000 Victorian households affected by unfair solar changes

The Victorian Government should reject any recommendation by the electricity price regulator to unfairly reduce the state’s solar feed-in tariff, according to Solar Citizens.

Victorian households with rooftop solar could get as little as five cents a kilowatt-hour for the power they pump back into the grid next year, under a proposed decision by the state's Essential Services Commission, according to today’s The Age.

Director Campaigns and Organising, Dan Scaysbrook, said more than 214,000 Victorians had chosen to invest in generating rooftop solar energy and they deserved a fair price for the clean power generated.

“Solar owners in Victoria would feel a great sense of betrayal at plans to slash the solar feed-in tariff to as low as 5 cents cents per kilowatt hour (c/kWh),” he said.

“More than 214,000 Victorian households have installed rooftop solar, generating 535MW of renewable energy and investing $1,607.6 million.

“Families have made the move to solar to take back control of their power bills, a reduced tariff would make it so much harder for them.

“Victorians have been among the biggest adopters of solar, which is why the State Government needs to do more to support existing homeowners with solar and to help more households install solar on their rooftops.

“The main driver behind power bill price rises is investment in network poles and wires, not solar homes.

“In fact, a Federal Government review found having rooftop solar as part of the energy mix reduces power costs for all households – whether they have solar installed or not.

“Solar Citizens urges the Victorian Government to increase support so more households can go solar – not less,” he said.

Interview available.

Media contact: Jane Garcia 0434 489 533

AER reject outrageous fees for solar homeowners after Solar Citizens campaign

Solar Citizens has today welcomed the news that the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has rejected the absurd proposal from SA Power Networks to introduce a new unfair charge for solar homeowners of $100 a year.

“This is a great victory for solar homeowners in South Australia,” Solar Citizens National Director Claire O’Rourke said.

“Common sense has won the day, this outrageous application by SA Power Networks was nothing more than a money grab from the 184,921 solar homes in South Australia.”

“Solar Citizens volunteers in South Australia knocked on doors and gathered signatures on our petition to raise their concern about the proposed discriminatory fee, which has now been rejected by the regulator.”

“Significantly, the AER noted in its ruling that solar households have no measurable difference in the impact on the electricity network and should not be treated differently.”

“In recent weeks I have been out listening to thousands of people all across Australia who all share the concern of being discriminated against because they have solar rooftops.

“These people from all walks of life have signed up to our ‘Stand up for Solar’ pledge calling for an end to unfair fees for solar owners, a national goal of at least 50% renewable energy including solar by 2030 and help all Australian families who are struggling with the rising cost of electricity bills.”

“The AER should stand firm and make sure that solar homeowners in South Australia are protected from discriminatory and unwarranted fees,” said Ms O’Rourke.

Claire O’Rourke is available for comment

Media Contact: Amy Gordon 0410 631 404



Adelaide City Council solar program to spark new wave of SA solar

Adelaide City Council solar program to spark new wave of SA solar

Solar Citizens today congratulates Adelaide City Council for the introduction of its new Sustainable City Incentives Scheme that will see households in Adelaide encouraged to take up rooftop solar.

The Adelaide City Council scheme includes:

$5000 for installing solar PV
$5000 for installing energy storage
$500 per electric vehicle charging controller
$5000 for apartment building energy efficiency upgrades
$1000 for changing out quartz halogen downlights to LED downlights

“Adelaide City Council should be congratulated on their new Solar City Incentives Scheme. This innovative scheme will help thousands of South Australian families make the transition to clean sun-powered electricity,” Ms O’Rourke said.

“These families will save money on their bills and will be able to generate clean power from the sun. They will be joining the existing 184,921 households in South Australia who have already made solar their number one choice for power.”

“Recent polling shows 71% of Australians believe solar power should be Australia’s number one form of energy.

“Just last night our Federal Senate passed legislation to slash our Renewable Energy Target. This move will see Australian jobs lost and investment moved overseas.

“It beggars belief that, with consistent and overwhelming public support, with state and local governments moving to invest and prominent world leaders all saying renewable energy is the future, the Abbott Government continues to try and haul our nation backwards.

“In recent weeks I have seen first hand the groundswell of support for clean power, with thousands of people from all walks of life signing up to our ‘Stand up for Solar’ pledge and calling for a national goal of at least 50% renewable energy including solar by 2030.

“The wave of support for clean energy is gaining momentum. If our political leaders don’t get on board with the revolution they face a very real risk of being left out in the cold,” said Ms O’Rourke.

Claire O’Rourke is available for comment

More on Stand Up for Solar:

Media Contact: Amy Gordon 0410 631 404

RET cuts shameful: Majority want a solar future

The passing in the Senate of legislation to slash the RET last night is an outrageous setback for the sector but there’s no stopping the momentum and public support for more solar in Australia’s energy mix, according to Solar Citizens.

National Director Claire O’Rourke said a recent survey of Solar Citizens members found that when it comes to energy issues 96% of people said the government was protecting the interest of big power companies over Australians.

With an overwhelming 92% of people saying it is important for Australia to be supporting the installation of household solar and 95% were more likely to vote for a party with good solar policies. 

“The slashing of the Renewable Energy Target has seen the Federal Government place the vested interests of the big power companies above sensible policy. We are demanding that our politicians look to a more ambitious future for clean energy, not put jobs, growth and investment in the shade,” Ms O’Rourke said.

“The relief for people who want to take control of their power bills is that there have been no changes to the household solar part of the RET, the SRES, which helps with the cost of installing a system.”

“Solar and renewables should be a non-partisan issue. Solar is supported by most Australians as the best way to take control over their bills and produce their own clean energy.

“Polls and surveys consistently demonstrate that Australians want more solar panels installed on suitable rooftops across the nation and fair reward for the energy generated by solar households. 

“As I travel around the country as part of our Stand Up for Solar campaign, I’m meeting people from all walks of life who are excited by the opportunities presented by rooftop solar, and storage technology.

“It’s time our politicians took strong action to turn this bright, shared vision for the future of solar into a reality,” Ms O’Rourke said.

Claire O’Rourke available for interview.

More on Stand Up for Solar:

Media contact: Amy Gordon 0410 631 404

AGL unfairly slugs solar customers in ACT and NSW, locking out thousands from renewable energy

Solar Citizens has serious concerns about today’s reports that AGL plans to charge solar homeowners up to an extra $434 for solar smart meters in the ACT and NSW.

Only last month, AGL launched extensive TVC and digital advertising pushes its expertise in solar products with the tagline, “Not all solar is created equal”. Now, according to reports, the company is making it harder for solar homeowners to get a fair deal.

“A $434 price hike for installing home solar meters by AGL is an absurd attack on solar home owners in the ACT and NSW. They are penalising Australian families who want to go solar,” said Solar Citizens National Director Claire O’Rourke.

“This increase risks locking out thousands of people from going solar in the ACT and NSW - that is deeply disappointing.

“Solar households are most common in lower income suburbs - the main reason these families go solar is to control of their power bills.

“Recent polling shows that 71% of people think Australia should put more emphasis on solar power ahead of all other forms of electricity generation.

“With support for renewable energy at an all time high it’s a risky move by AGL to so blatantly go after solar homeowners in this blatantly discriminatory manner.

“Just last month we had an incredible turnout of solar homeowners all across the country at our Stand up for Solar forums.

“These homeowners pledged to support an end to unfair fees for solar owners, a national goal of at least 50% solar and renewable electricity generation by 2030 and to help all Australians who are struggling with the rising cost of electricity bills.

“AGL campaigned for reducing the Renewable Energy Target, now that it has been slashed they’re digging the knife further into clean energy to maximise profits.”

“Our big power companies need to realise they are way behind the eight ball on renewable energy and risk being left in the dust if they continue to attack the renewable energy industry,” said Ms O’Rourke.

Claire O’Rourke is available for comment

Media contact: Amy Gordon 0410 631 404

You can find out more about Stand up for Solar here:


The growing number of South Australians choosing to install solar panels on their rooftops are generating cleaner power and contributing to lowering power costs for all households in the state, according to Solar Citizens.

The Australian Energy Market Operator’s 2015 National Electricity Forecasting Report released today has confirmed rooftop PV will continue to offset grid demand in South Australia. This brings down the cost of electricity for all household electricity users in the state, not just those with solar installed, said Solar Citizens National Director Claire O’Rourke.

AEMO will also publish its inaugural Emerging Technology Information Paper later this month, investigating the viability of battery storage solutions for Australian residential consumers over the next 20 years and the impact this and other emerging technologies may have on electricity consumption from the grid.

“Solar power makes sense for South Australia,” Ms O’Rourke said.

“It is a great investment for households who want to cut their power bills and for all the other homeowners who benefits from cheaper power prices created by having solar as part of the electricity mix.

“More than 184,000 South Australian homes generate clean power from the sun, and thousands more are ready to join them.

“With or without renewable energy, Australia’s power networks will always need to spend money on replacing and upgrading infrastructure as technologies and demand change and grow.
“Australians are moving to solar PV and with battery storage set to be the next wave in the electricity generation transformation our networks need to adapt and invest in technology that recognises this inevitable shift.

“Solar Citizens’ new campaign ‘Stand up for Solar’ is calling for a national goal of at least 50% renewable energy by 2030.
“Recent polling by Essential Research shows that 59% of Australians support a 50% Renewable Energy Target by 2030. It’s clear that there is more leadership in the community when it comes to delivering the sun-powered future that people demand,” she said.

Media contact: Jane Garcia  0434 489 533