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Get Active on Social Media this Election

No matter where you live in Australia, you can help make sure that clean, renewable energy is on the federal election agenda by utilising social media.

Here are four ways you can get active on social media this election: 

  1. Take a photo with our 'I support solar for all' sign and upload it to your social media channels. Here's how: print out our 'I support solar for all' sign, get a loved one to take a photo of yourself with the sign, then upload your photo to Facebook or Twitter, making sure to tag @solarcitizens so that we can see your photos! Or email your photos to [email protected] and we'll upload them. 

    SC Volunteer

  2. Share our federal election open letter, calling on both major federal parties to choose clean, renewable energy over uneconomical new coal-fired generation. Click here to share our open letter on Facebook, and here to share it on Twitter.

  3. Write a comment on the Facebook page of your federal MP, or tag them in a tweet, asking them to support a bright, renewable future for Australia. They might not reply, but they and their office staff are certainly paying attention!

  4. Comment, react and share Solar Citizens' Facebook posts and tweets. More popular posts on social media are shown to more people, so every time you interact with our content you're helping to spread positive renewable stories or important updates. Thanks!

So there you have it. Making a noise for renewables this election campaign can be as easy as a few clicks of the mouse. Take a moment to get active today. 

Want to know more about how to use social media? Take a look at our social media guide here.