(This could be you!)
Australia has the chance to lead the world in clean energy, but years of policy uncertainty is holding us back. That's why this federal election Solar Citizens is set to spark a race to the top, amongst all political parties, on clean energy.
We need all hands on deck for our exciting election campaign. That's why we're looking for amazing organisers who want to work with Solar Citizens around Australia to lock in 100% clean renewable power this election.
Check out our new election positions - and please share with anyone you think would be interested!
SA senate campaign election organiser - click here.
Election organiser positions (8 week contracts) - click here.
Here's the low-down. We have a 6-month contract available working with Solar Citizens' high-impact South Australian volunteer teams as our Senate Election organiser. We also have a number of 8-week contracts available in target electorates across Australia. We are looking for people in Brisbane, Sydney, Regional New South Wales, Adelaide and Tasmania. Find more details and position descriptions here.
If you are someone, or you know someone, who wants to work to get Australia on the path to a future powered by 100% renewable energy then this could be the perfect opportunity to join our sunny team.
If you have any questions please contact our Director of Organising and Campaigns, Dan Scaysbrook by emailing [email protected] or calling 0416 481 522.