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Help protect and grow solar in Australia

A clean energy recovery from COVID-19 makes economic sense but the Government is backing expensive, dirty energy.  The RET has expired, ARENA is running out of money, and Angus Taylor wants a gas-powered future. Now, the Government wants to open up Australia’s essential clean energy funding to fossil fuels. 

By turning its back on affordable clean energy innovation and failing to invest in the future of solar, the Government will bypass one of Australia's greatest economic opportunities. Maintaining a strong, independent voice for solar has never been more important.

As a grassroots organisation, Solar Citizens relies on the generosity of our solar-loving community to keep our campaigns afloat. If you’re a solar owner or a supporter of the renewables revolution, donating is an investment in Australia’s clean energy future. 

Donate to the 2020 Solar Appeal

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If you'd prefer to make a donation via bank transfer or via the post, you can find our bank details here and a printable donation form here. 

100% Renewable Community Campaign trading as Solar Citizens is a registered charity in Australia
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