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2019 Solar Survey report back

Each year our Solar Survey gives you the chance to add your voice to Australia's solar story. 

We’ve crunched the numbers from the 2019 survey and the results show that your top priorities are helping more households access rooftop solar and encouraging the growth of the large-scale renewable energy industry.

Together, our solar-loving community continues to safeguard the essential schemes that make household solar more accessible, and we've launched our Save Clean Energy campaign to protect Queensland’s collapsing renewable energy industry.

The work is underway but we're going to need all the support we can muster to deliver the wins we need. As a completely independent organisation we rely on the generosity of supporters like you to power our campaigns to protect and grow solar. 

Will you make a donation so we can put these priorities into practice? 

2019 survey infographic

Click here to download a jpg version of the survey infographic.

Make a donation to protect and grow solar

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Contributions are tax deductible.

If you'd prefer to make a donation using PayPal click here.

If you'd prefer to make a donation via bank transfer or via the post, you can find our bank details here and a printable donation form here. 

100% Renewable Community Campaign trading as Solar Citizens is a registered charity in Australia
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