Over the next few months, Solar Citizens will travel to cities and regional centres across the country to deliver a dynamic presentation showing Australians exactly how we can achieve an orderly transition to 100% renewables by 2030. Can you chip in to help us get this show on the road?
Here on the sunniest continent on earth, our federal government has no plan for renewable energy beyond 2020 - and that’s just four years away. So, we made one for them.
It's called the Homegrown Power Plan and it shows how we can repower Australia’s homes and businesses with 100% renewables within a generation - plus create jobs, boost investment and save money while we’re at it!
But what good’s a plan if it just sits on a shelf? That’s where the 100% Renewables Roadshow comes in! Your donation will help us cover venue hire, sound and lighting, promotion, printing, travel and accomodation. And, it will help us keep tickets free so everyone can come along.