Finally, Queensland has a plan to kick off the transition to renewable energy! The panel of energy and economic experts who developed the draft plan are hearing from the community right now. Can you take five minutes to make a submission in support of a sun-powered Sunshine State?
The draft report, Credible pathways to a 50% renewable energy target for Queensland, is a 132-page document based on rigorous economic and energy modelling by real experts. Here’s a few points from the plan you could discuss in your submission:
- The report outlines pathways to 50% renewables recognising the real-world reality that renewable energy will increase jobs, investment, is affordable, reliable and will have a net economic benefit to the state of Queensland.
- The panel found that there will be a net increase of 6400-6700 jobs and $6.7 billion investment in renewable energy.
- Queenslanders love renewable energy, as evidenced by almost half a million small-scale solar systems installations. While the report recognises the role of household solar, it does not address the importance of increasing equity of access to renewables for low-income households, renters, apartment dwellers etc.
- We commend the Expert Panel for recognising the likely need for dedicated reverse auctions for dispatchable renewable energy solutions such as battery storage, pumped hydro, sustainable bioenergy, concentrating solar thermal etc. as Solar Citizens' Homegrown Power Plan sets out.
- We are concerned that the Queensland Government’s election commitment to deliver on a fair price for solar will not be fulfilled if the narrow approach by the Queensland Productivity Commission in its draft report is followed in its final report. We recommend that Queensland pursue a similar approach to the Victorian Government, recognising the multiple benefits from distributed generation including rooftop solar
- We strongly recommend that the Queensland Government implement the Community Powerhouses policy which was adopted by the Federal ALP earlier this year. The Community Powerhouses policy supports community energy, social access and equity.