Thanks for taking action for solar thermal in Port Augusta. Can you share this action with family and friends?
Michael signed the petition: "We need cheap renewables for all to solve the energy crisis"
Bill signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Mirinda signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Monica signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Martin signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Jemma signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Debbie signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Ian signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
George signed the petition: "‘Batteries on Wheels’: unlocking Vehicle-to-Grid for Australia"
Brianna signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Christina signed the petition: "‘Batteries on Wheels’: unlocking Vehicle-to-Grid for Australia"
Stephen signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Tom signed the petition: "Stop the Sun Tax"
Peter signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
David signed the petition: "‘Batteries on Wheels’: unlocking Vehicle-to-Grid for Australia"
Karina signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Ronald signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"