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Lindsay Candidate Forum

The federal election is fast approaching and it's clear that Western Sydney is a key area that the future federal government needs to win over. 

So we're holding a Future of Solar in Australia - Candidates Forum in Lindsay to ensure these key politicians know that Western Sydney wants to see a renewable future. 

Join us at this candidates forum to hear:

  • Presentations about the state of solar in Australia and the background on Solar Citizens policy asks
  • The candidate's responses and their answers to: “What is your vision for renewable energy in Australia?"
  • Questions from the audience

So far we have Labor candidate Diane Beamer, Independent candidate Mark Tyndall, The Greens are sending a candidate and Geoff Brown from Sustainable Australia confirmed as coming along.

Liberal candidate Melissa McIntosh has yet to respond to our invitation.  

The more the merrier so invite a friend along.

May 06, 2019 at 6:30pm - 8pm
The Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre
597 High St
Penrith, NSW 2750
Google map and directions
Kristy Walters ·

Will you come?