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AEMO Forecast Confirms Aussie Homes Need Battery Subsidy

31 August 2022: AEMO Forecast Confirms Aussie Homes Need Battery Subsidy

Released today, the Australian Energy Market Operator’s 2022 Electricity Statement of Opportunities supports the federal government in implementing new policies to drive the uptake of home batteries. 

“The AEMO report identifies a clear gap in federal government planning - they urgently need to provide support for home battery storage to minimise risks to our national electricity market”, said Solar Citizens National Director Heidi Lee Douglas.

Solar Citizens is campaigning for a policy like a Renewable Energy Storage Target, which would provide a rebate on home batteries including electric vehicles with vehicle-to-grid capacity.

 “Australia already has the biggest uptake of home solar per capita in the world. So it just makes good financial sense to marry our home solar with home batteries, as this eases pressure on our electricity grid and saves money for consumers.” 

“With AEMO’s news that Snowy 2.0 is now 2 years behind, the Albanese government can get a quick win for everyday Australians, addressing the cost of living and energy crisis, by providing incentives for behind-the-meter storage. This will also help to continue to drive our uptake of home solar.“

“Being energy independent helps the hip pockets of everyday Australians who will save money on power bills, rather than leaving them vulnerable to gas and coal energy price rises and unpredictability.”

“AEMO forecast cites “the importance of policy and consumer support for demand side solutions, and the increased requirement for utility-scale solutions should these forecast solutions not materialise.”  In plain English that means if we consumers don’t get support from the government for home batteries, the government is going to need to look at more large-scale battery storage being built”.

“Our recent survey of 1700 Australians found that people overwhelmingly want cheaper clean technology solutions like solar, electric vehicles (EVs) and batteries to help bring down their bills. But many households are still facing barriers. “

“Nearly half of those surveyed with solar panels are saving a whopping 70% or more on their power bill -  or are usually in credit. But just 20% have a home battery despite half of the solar owners wanting one. Most said that the cost is keeping batteries out of reach for now, and the majority wanted a $3000 government subsidy to enable them to afford home batteries”.

“That’s why we’re calling for measures that will help make batteries more affordable – like a battery storage target similar to the highly successful Renewable Energy Target.”


Media contact: National Director Heidi Lee Douglas, 0401 092 570

Solar Citizens' petition calling on the Federal Government to roll out affordable battery storage can be found here.

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