Have your say on a new rule that will benefit all Australian energy consumers
**Submissions have now closed**
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) is seeking submissions on a new rule that will help solar owners regain control of their energy bills - it's called the Demand Management Incentive Scheme Rule Change.
Under the current AEMC rules solar owners are hit with ever-growing fixed charges. Under the new proposed rule, when you reduce your energy usage, your bills go down accordingly. It's just common sense.
The new rule works by rewarding power companies for encouraging customers to save energy. This provides incentives for power companies to support the installation of more solar with storage, helping to lower energy bills. In fact, according to AEMC research, household bills would be reduced by $120 to $500 a year.
If the new rule is rejected there will be fewer and fewer reasons for Australians to go solar; current solar owners will continue to be hit with discriminatory charges and all Australian energy consumers will face rising fixed costs. Read this article from The Conversation for more information.
Can you help make sure this new rule is adopted? Here's some tips for making your submission:
- Urge the AEMC to accept the Demand Management Incentive Scheme Rule Change because it will make our energy market fairer for consumers.
- Tell the AEMC how important it is for power companies to help people go solar.
- If you've taken steps to reduce your energy usage with solar or efficiency measures, let the AEMC know.
- Tell the AEMC how rising power bills and fixed charges have affected you and your family.
- Let the AEMC know how saving $120 to $500 a year on household power bills would make a difference for you.
Showing 8 reactions
I changed to solar power 4 years ago and have had a rebate almost every quarter, partly by being careful with energy usage. It’s not fair that fixed charges have risen so much, so quickly.
Please accept the rule change.
Not many can afford to but its definitely cheaper to do so now than it was many years ago. My Neighbor is off-grid with solar himself and uses his Panasonic electric bicycle for the last 4 years going up and down very steep hills everyday to get to his regular fishing spots. He is 71 and has a 30km round trip and puts his small dog in his front basket while the fish, octopus and other marine life he catches keeps them both going.
Our current system is just there to give us the idea we have a choice
we really dont and Govs do what they want even sell Uranium to India