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About Save Solar Tas

Save Solar Tasmania is an alliance of businesses, householders and community groups formed to safeguard Tasmania’s opportunities in small and medium scale renewable energy projects.

Without government action the existing feed-in tariff for the 10,000 Tasmanian households who have already installed solar PV will disappear when electricity retailing is privatised from 1 January 2014. 

Save Solar Tasmania is calling for:

  • Guarantees that existing tariff arrangements will continue for people who have already installed solar PV systems and for those who order systems before new arrangements are finalised.
  • A public consultation and review process that sets a fair price for electricity from solar and other small renewable energy technologies in Tasmania, taking into account the many employment, economic and environmental benefits of these installations.

Solar Citizens (an initiative of 100% Renewable, a community organisation to help Australia move towards a renewable energy future) have generously agreed to support our campaign through the use of their website.

We are also working cooperatively with the “Save our Solar Tas” campaign run by John Thirgood who have a Facebook page.

Supporting organisations                

Save Solar Tasmania supporters include:

More information

Jack Gilding
p: 0407 486 651
e: [email protected]  
t: @SaveSolarTas