A new report released by the Climate Council today reveals the world is in the middle of a dramatic renewable energy boom, with clean energy investment growing 43% since 2009 worldwide.
Solar Citizens Campaigns Director Dan Scaysbrook said Australia has some of the best solar resources in the world and government should be investing in making the transition to renewables.
“The fast-growing renewable energy industry is living up to its potential as a worldwide jobs growth powerhouse,” he said.
“This new report shows more than 160 countries have put in place targets to grow their renewable power.
“Australia may miss out if we don’t act now to lift our renewable energy ambition. A goal of at least 50 per cent renewables by 2030 would not only slash electricity costs, but would help create 20,000 jobs in the next 15 years.
“Growing solar and renewables would allow Australia to access jobs, innovation, future industries.
“If the Turnbull Government is serious about making job creation and innovation their top priority then they need to look no further than solar and renewables.
“The upcoming Paris climate talks are an ideal opportunity for the Prime Minister to show it will listen to the community and put jobs in solar and renewables first.
“There’s a bright future ahead for renewables, Australia deserves a leading part in it,” he said.
Media contact: Siobhan Lyttle 0432 828 004