Solar Citizens today welcomed the Queensland Government’s announcement of interest free loans for solar and battery systems.
“A home solar system will pay for itself over time through lower power bills, but for many people it’s hard to find the money to cover the upfront cost” said Solar Citizens’ Queensland Campaigner Louise Matthiesson.
“This policy will remove the roadblocks for thousands more Queenslanders to go solar, create jobs in the solar industry, and help tackle climate change at the same time – it’s a win-win-win for Queensland”
“Interest free loans for home-battery energy storage systems will be a great boost to this new industry in Queensland.
Solar Citizens also backed the trial of incentives for landlords to install solar on 1000 rental properties, cutting bills for tenants.
“Renters are often locked out of the solar boom and stuck paying high power bills. This trial will show how by working together landlords and renters can both benefit from switching to renewable energy.
“All Queenslanders will benefit from these policies, not just the households that directly take part.
“As more homes install batteries and use their stored solar power at night, that helps smooth out peaks in demand, which reduces pressure and costs on the state’s electricity grid.
“Supporting more Queenslanders to go solar brings down electricity prices for everyone by reducing demand for more expensive forms of electricity like coal and gas."
For comment contact:
Louise Matthiesson, Solar Citizens Queensland Campaigner 0406 041 428