Solar Citizens has welcomed the Western Australian Government announcement today that battery storage and electric vehicle systems can export surplus electricity to the mains grid from December 1 this year.
The entry of new players into the local market will push the development of home and vehicle solar battery storage and the new law will help revolutionise the way West Australians use energy.
“The Western Australian Government has taken the national lead in ushering in the age of the power ‘prosumer’,” said Solar Citizens National Director Claire O’Rourke.
“Already more than 190,000 WA homes are generating their own cheaper, cleaner energy from rooftop solar. We expect this number to boom as battery storage goes mainstream and people have more options of how they can store or sell back surplus energy to the grid.
“Rooftop solar combined with battery storage has the potential to revolutionise our electricity networks. It will change forever the way we run our homes and cars and it puts consumers in a more reasonable position to negotiate with their electricity providers and networks.
“As old energy makes way for solar and renewables, our government must ensure our laws actively support the transition.
“Australia’s future is solar. Let’s not miss out on all the opportunity, innovation and cost savings renewable energy can bring,” she said.
Media contact: Siobhan Lyttle 0432 828 004