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Volunteer Profiles

Hear from a few Solar Citizens volunteers about why they got involved and why solar matters to them. 




“I’ve always been interested in renewable energy, triggered by growing up with a solar hot water system through the 1980’s, which made a hot shower on a winter’s morning nearly impossible.

So much has changed in the technology of renewable energies since then, with it now being an option void of consequence; beneficial to homes and businesses through reduced costs and a necessary change to maintain this beautiful world we live in. I can’t understand why the industry is not growing at a faster pace, and why our government is not getting behind the movement, while the rest of the world is.

I decided I would like to get into the industry myself and a friend told me about Solar Citizens and the work they do, I went along to a launch event and was so impressed with the speakers, I decided to join up and volunteer and help spread the word about the solar industry and the great things that the Solar Citizens are doing.”




Solar Citizens is helped immeasurably by a small group of dedicated office volunteers in Sydney, who come into the office on a regular basis and help to make sure the wheels stay greased and turning. Peter, who comes in every Wednesday, says: “Why do I volunteer for Solar Citizens? To help the paid staff by undertaking necessary and often time consuming tasks, so they can get on with promoting the interests of Australia’s solar households. It is also good for me, working with a team of young people who have similar interests in preserving the planet for my grandchildren.”