Time to Shine Calendar - Solar Citizens

Time to Shine MP Meetings Calendar

This Spring it's Time to Shine. Solar Citizens around Australia will be meeting with their local MP to ask them to Keep Solar Strong. With the government expected to make a final decision on the fate of the Renewable Energy Target in the next couple of weeks it’s crucial that we meet our local MPs and tell them we want them to protect the Target.

Check below if anyone has registered an MP meeting in your electorate that you can join. If they haven't, create your own event so that others in your electorate can join your meeting.


  • add your contact details so other solar supporters who want to attend your MP meeting can get in touch with you
  • add a heading with the name of the MP you're meeting with
  • add the address of the electorate office of the MP you're meeting with and the date and time of your confirmed meeting
  • your contact details will be visible to others on this calendar (unless you tick "Don't publish email address/phone number")

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