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Thank you for signing our petition calling on the Turnbull Government to build big storage to ensure affordable, reliable and clean electricity for all Australians.
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What's Happening
Steven signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Jane signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Paul signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Paul signed the petition: "We need cheap renewables for all to solve the energy crisis"
brian signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Joe signed the petition: "Sign the petition for a Fair Price for Solar"
Mark signed the petition: "‘Batteries on Wheels’: unlocking Vehicle-to-Grid for Australia"
Nattalie donated to Solar Citizens's efforts
Carl signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Laurie signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Maureen signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Michael signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Lois signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Sophia signed the petition: "Affordable storage solutions"
Nicole signed the petition: "We need cheap renewables for all to solve the energy crisis"
Jane is supporting Solar Citizens
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