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Technology road map means higher emissions for electricity sector

Solar Citizens has condemned the Federal Government’s technology road map, which was released overnight.

‘The government’s technology road map includes investment in emissions intensive gas fired power, keeping coal fired power stations open and investing in dangerous nuclear power,’ said National Director of Solar Citizens Ellen Roberts.

‘Ostensibly a plan to address Australia’s rising emissions, this is actually a road map to increased emissions, dangerous climate change and higher power prices.

Wind and solar have driven down wholesale electricity prices in the last few years. We must be urgently transitioning to renewable energy to clean up our energy system, avoid the worst impacts of dangerous climate change and take advantage of our world class wind and solar resources.

‘Federal energy policy uncertainty has caused a crash in renewable energy investment in Australia. This is most pronounced in Queensland, where the number of renewable projects under construction has crashed to almost zero. This technology road map will not provide the certainty that we need to be transitioning our energy system to renewables.

‘On the positive side, the road map recognises the importance in continuing to invest in the next generation of PV solar. Australia has led the world in solar PV research for decades, and per capita Australia has a higher number of solar households than anywhere in the world.

It is heartening to see solar PV included in the list of priority technologies. However overall the road map paints a grim and dirty picture of Australia’s future energy system.’

Solar Citizens represents the interests of millions of rooftop solar owners and all Australians wanting an urgent transition to clean energy.


Media contact: Ellen Roberts 0408 583 694

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