The Solar Revolution briefers highlight the uptake of solar across the country, by State, Territory and Electorate as of July 2014. Here you can find the uptake of solar in your Electorate!
To find the Solar Briefer for your electorate click on your state:
NSW - VIC - QLD - WA - SA - TAS - ACT - NT
To find the Solar Briefer for your state click here.
Where does your electorate rank compared to others? Click here to download a spreadsheet comparison of all 150 electorates and find out.
Please note: if you're looking for solar briefers #1, produced in July of 2013, please go here. And if you're looking for solar briefers #2, produced in December of 2013, please go here.
Check out how the solar revolution is going in:
Electorate briefers
New South Wales |
Victoria |
Western Australia |
South Australia |
Tasmania |
Australian Capital Territory |
Northern Territory |
State briefers
New South Wales |
Victoria |
Queensland |
Western Australia |
South Australia |
Tasmania |
Australian Capital Territory |
Northern Territory |