Solar Citizens has welcomed a Victorian Government Bill that will amend the state’s Electricity Industry Act and other legislation to the benefit of solar homeowners.
The changes will ban electricity retailers from placing restrictions on customers who have rooftop solar or other renewable energy generation from taking up an offer available to other customers.
There is still flexibility to make electricity sale offers that are specific to solar or renewable households, but not the power to exclude them from the offers made to other customers, said Solar Citizens Campaigns Director Dan Scaysbrook.
“Solar Citizens members have been strong advocates for a fairer go for solar homes from energy retailers and the Victorian government’s new bill could go a long way towards delivering a level playing field,” he said.
“It’s good to see the government keeping its election promise and putting the interests of solar households at the centre of energy policy.
“There are more than 258,000 Victorian households that have transformed their homes into renewable energy powerhouses. They generate more than 980 MW of clean energy and have saved more than $1.4 million on their electricity bills.
“The new bill is a significant step forward but more is needed to lock-in support for solar homes in the state.
“Only last week, the Essential Services Commission (ESC) got it totally wrong by slashing the solar feed-in price to as low as five cents per kWH for energy exported to the grid by 2016.
“This dramatic 20 per cent cut to the minimum feed-in tariff price is extremely unfair and risks undermining increased renewable energy as part of Victoria’s energy mix.
“The Victorian Government should do the right thing and ensure there’s no change in the feed-in tariff until its own current review of a fair price for solar has reported.
“Otherwise tens of thousands of households will lose a large chunk of the already small financial return they receive from providing clean, renewable energy back into the grid,” he said.
Media contact: Siobhan Lyttle 0432 828 004