It’s one of the hottest conversations in the country as the Federal election campaign ramps up - what is the best plan for Australia’s energy future?
As Solar Citizens we want to see all political candidates embrace and support cost-of-living savings through rooftop solar plus home batteries.
The Labor government plan is for 82% renewable energy by 2030 supported by battery storage, and the Australian Energy Market Operator has modelled that this will include 38.5GW of rooftop solar by 2030, up from around 25GW today.[1] The hole in the Government's plan is that they lack any incentive to deliver the substantial capacity of household batteries that they are assuming by that date.
The Coalition’s proposed nuclear power-led future is one where your home solar will be switched off to make way for nuclear energy, raising energy bills and locking in polluting coal and gas for decades to come.[2]
Solar Citizens has produced a handy BBQ Conversation Guide, full of key information, verified statistics and discussion tips. Download it now to help you engage in discussions around nuclear power and why home solar plus battery storage provides the best solution for our future energy needs, rising cost of living and changing climate.
Meet Ken, one of our Solar Champions:
“I get all the power I need for my home, even on overcast days, from my rooftop solar. And with my new home battery, I’m even making money by selling excess energy to the grid. I’m worried that building nuclear power plants will take this away from me.”
Ken Enderby, Concord
Sharing your own story based on your actual experience, like Ken does, is the most effective way to communicate, both with people who are unsure and even those who hold entrenched views. If you already have solar, your own experience with saving money is the best story to tell.
Click on the image (below) to download our Save Our Solar BBQ Conversation Guide for tips on how to make a ‘Truth Sandwich’ with the real facts.
[1] Australian Energy Market Operator 2024 Integrated System Plan