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RET cuts shameful: Majority want a solar future

The passing in the Senate of legislation to slash the RET last night is an outrageous setback for the sector but there’s no stopping the momentum and public support for more solar in Australia’s energy mix, according to Solar Citizens.

National Director Claire O’Rourke said a recent survey of Solar Citizens members found that when it comes to energy issues 96% of people said the government was protecting the interest of big power companies over Australians.

With an overwhelming 92% of people saying it is important for Australia to be supporting the installation of household solar and 95% were more likely to vote for a party with good solar policies. 

“The slashing of the Renewable Energy Target has seen the Federal Government place the vested interests of the big power companies above sensible policy. We are demanding that our politicians look to a more ambitious future for clean energy, not put jobs, growth and investment in the shade,” Ms O’Rourke said.

“The relief for people who want to take control of their power bills is that there have been no changes to the household solar part of the RET, the SRES, which helps with the cost of installing a system.”

“Solar and renewables should be a non-partisan issue. Solar is supported by most Australians as the best way to take control over their bills and produce their own clean energy.

“Polls and surveys consistently demonstrate that Australians want more solar panels installed on suitable rooftops across the nation and fair reward for the energy generated by solar households. 

“As I travel around the country as part of our Stand Up for Solar campaign, I’m meeting people from all walks of life who are excited by the opportunities presented by rooftop solar, and storage technology.

“It’s time our politicians took strong action to turn this bright, shared vision for the future of solar into a reality,” Ms O’Rourke said.

Claire O’Rourke available for interview.

More on Stand Up for Solar:

Media contact: Amy Gordon 0410 631 404

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