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Rooftop solar with household batteries the immediate solution for Australia's energy needs, not risky, expensive nuclear or fossil fuels

Solar Citizens condemns the Federal Coalition’s nuclear policy announced today and calls on all sides of politics to instead support rooftop solar, including extending the rebate to home solar to household batteries, to put cheap clean power in the hands of the Australian people day and night. 

CEO Heidi Lee Douglas called on Opposition Leader Peter Dutton to stop his dangerous nuclear push, and instead roll up his sleeves and support the investment Australians have already made into home solar, by enabling rooftop solar to be tied with home storage. This would provide households with energy bill relief, help bring down the cost of living and provide benefits for the wider grid.

“Australians want to bask in the glow of the energy bill relief and independence of generating their own clean, cheap power from the sun and using it at night, not be tied to expensive coal-fired power,” she said.

“The CSIRO has made it clear that even if nuclear power could be built in Australia, it would be more expensive than energy produced by renewables. We need cheaper energy bills, not more expensive ones, and bill-busting home solar and batteries can be rolled out right now if we had a federal rebate on batteries.

“Australians need immediate cost of living relief and energy security, and supporting more people to get home solar and more people to get home batteries is a proven success story for Australians.

“Dutton is ignoring the solar success story in Australia. Australia’s abundant sunshine is the envy of the world. Australian households and small businesses have voted with their rooftops, installing more than 3 million rooftop solar systems across the nation.

“New household solar connections with storage deliver proven, immediate cost-of-living savings, reduce carbon pollution, and help reduce air pollution.

“Now it’s time for bipartisan support for a focus on the fast and fair rollout of rooftop solar and batteries for all, regardless of whether you rent, live in an apartment or social housing, or are on a low income.

“Solar teamed with battery storage is good for household budgets, it will create jobs, and provide opportunities for economic growth through local solar and battery production.

“Liddell has already been given a new jobs rich future, with Australia’s biggest coal generator AGL Energy teaming up with local solar innovator SunDrive to explore the joint development of a solar manufacturing facility at the site of AGL’s former coal power precinct.

“We don't want to scare away investors into solar and battery production that can provide jobs and economic support to regional communities,” Ms Douglas said.

The seven sites for proposed nuclear power plants include Gladstone in Queensland, Liddell in the Hunter Valley in NSW, Port Augusta in South Australia, Loy Yang in the Latrobe Valley, and Muja in Western Australia. 

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