A new report released by the Queensland Conservation Council (QCC) has revealed building a 1,000 MW nuclear power station in Queensland in 2040 would knock out 3,700 GWh of cheap renewable energy from the grid.
It is the equivalent of shutting an average of 45,000 Queensland household solar systems every day, according to the new QCC analysis.
Solar Citizens CEO Heidi Lee Douglas said, “The new Delayed Reaction report has reinforced what other experts are saying - that rooftop solar and nuclear cannot co-exist - and revealed just how detrimental any proposal for nuclear would be for Queensland solar homeowners’ hip pockets.
“To make nuclear power plants economically viable, nuclear would need to run at full capacity. That means a direct clash with rooftop solar whenever the sun is up, and they’ll have to stop rooftop solar panels from exporting to the grid.
“What does this mean for households who have already voted with their rooftops for solar?
“Queenslanders have the largest take-up of rooftop solar worldwide, making abundant, cheap and clean energy from the sun.
“The second, third, fourth and fifth highest rates of rooftop solar output in Australia are in Bundaberg, Mackay, Toowoomba and Hervey Bay. These communities have the most to lose if their solar output is shut off during the day by nuclear. Queenslanders won’t accept politicians shutting off their rooftop solar exports.
“It doesn’t make sense in the Sunshine State for a plan that turns off cheaper, cleaner solar and renewable energy in favour of more expensive nuclear power.
“The fact is solar and renewables don’t need a toxic ‘friendship’ with nuclear (or coal or gas).
“Australians want the energy bill relief and independence of generating their own clean, cheap power from the sun with storage so they can use it when needed, not be tied to more expensive, polluting power sources.
“Solar teamed with battery storage is good for Queensland household budgets, improves the overall network reliability, and helps cut network costs for everyone across the state.
“Solar Citizens urges the Federal Opposition to turn away from nuclear and invest in the rapid rollout of rooftop solar and batteries for all, including people who rent, live in an apartment or social housing, or are on a low income,” Ms Douglas said.
Background note:
National top five neighborhoods for rooftop solar output are Taneit (Vic), Bundaberg, Mackay, Toowoomba and Hervey Bay.